Craig Wetterer, Ph.D., J.D., MSCP
Hill, T., Weber, T., Roberts, M., Garzon, H., Fraga, A., Wetterer, C., & Puglisi, J. (2021). Retrospective cross-sectional analysis of demographic disparities in outcomes of CPR performed by EMS providers in the United States. JRSM Cardiovascular Disease, 10, 1-12.
Wetterer, C., & Jacquin, K. (2019). The influence of group socialization on authoritarianism and social dominance orientation in law enforcement culture. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 37, 41-64.
Shackleford, K., Green, M., Sharrer, E., Wetterer, C., & Shackleford, L. (2015). Setting the stage for social change: Using live theatre to dispel myths about intimate partner violence. Journal of Health Communication, 20, 969-976
Wetterer, C. (2024). Breaking the Silence: Unveiling Suicide in 2024; Trends, neurobiology, and cutting-edge treatments. Professional continuing education (AMA/APA) presentation given at California Northstate University, Elk Grove, CA.
Wetterer, C. (2023). Risk Assessment of Justice Involved Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Navigating the Complexities and Co-morbidities that intersect the analysis of risk. Professional presentation at the American College of Forensic Psychology 38th Annual Symposium, San Diego, CA.
Wetterer, C. (2022). Assessing the risk of violence: the mental health clinician’s role in identifying risk, and evidence-based risk reduction strategies. Continuing education series presentation given at California Northstate University, Elk Grove, CA.
Wetterer, C. (2022). Suicide Risk Assessment in Forensic Psychiatric and Correctional Settings: Strategies for Improving Clinical Decision Making. Professional presentation at the American College of Forensic Psychology 37th Annual Symposium.
Wetterer, C. (2022). Suicide in the COVID era: A look at the latest Trend Data and a discussion of strategies aimed at prevention and risk reduction. Continuing education series presentation given at California Northstate University, Elk Grove, CA.
Lugtu, J., Ferrrotti, A., Wetterer, C., Puglisi, J., & Malhotra, A. (2019). Identifying risk factors for patterns of abuse through retrospective characterization of prescription and illegal drug abuse in America during 2017. Poster presented at the American Health Systems Pharmacists Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Wetterer, C. (2019). Suicide Risk in Health Professions. Faculty development Series professional presentation given at California Northstate University, College of Medicine, Elk Grove, CA.
Wetterer, C. (2017-2020). Crisis Intervention Training (CIT). Provided training to incumbent police officers focusing on major mental illness and its impact in crisis situations. Sacramento Police Department, In-Service Training, Sacramento, CA.
Hill, T., Weber, T., Fraga, A., Wetterer, C., & Puglisi, J. (2018). A retrospective analysis of bias in the initiation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the prehospital setting. Poster presented at California Northstate University College of Medicine Annual Research Symposium, Elk Grove, CA.
Wetterer, C. & Kroenlein, M. (2017). Suicide Risk and Self-Harm Assessments in Correctional Settings: Strategies for Differentiating Legitimate Distress or Suicidal Intent from Behavior Driven by Secondary Gain. Professional presentation at the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology Conference, San Diego, CA.
Wetterer, C. & Jacquin, K. (2016). The influence of group socialization on authoritarianism and social dominance orientation in law enforcement culture. Poster presented at the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology Conference, Austin, Texas.
Wetterer, C., & Bohon, L. (2001). Hypermasculinity and sexual harassment in law enforcement culture. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association conference, San Francisco, California